Chapter Tests

Chapter Tests

P2C Math chapter tests provide an opportunity to assess the key concepts and standards covered in the preceding chapter. Every item is designed to specifically reference content taught in at least one lesson in the chapter. 

Chapter tests: 
  1. Can be completed in one class period. 
  2. Include both computational items and career-connected, real-world problems. 
  3. Assess student learning using a variety of item types with questions designed to give students opportunities to succeed. 

Reference the article Adding an Assignment for how to assign chapter tests.

Student Access to Taking Chapter Tests

When assigning, be mindful to select the appropriate Start and Due dates/times. 

Students will not be able to access tests at any time outside of the Start and Due date/time.

Student access within the Start and Due dates/times appears as Open.

Student access outside of the Start and Due dates/times appears as Locked.

Student Access to Viewing Scores of Chapter Tests

To support test security, the full Score Details will be locked from a student's view, until a teacher unlocks it. The teacher determines when it is appropriate for students to be able to view test questions and answers.

This is how the score appears to the student on their Student Scores page before a teacher has unlocked it. They can see the point value earned, but they cannot click this score to see the Score Details.

This is how the score appears to the student on their Student Scores page after a teacher has unlocked it. They can click the hyperlinked point value to access their full Score Details.  Score Details includes question specifics and any personalized teacher feedback.

A teacher locks and unlocks chapter test Student Visibility from their Class Scores page.

Select the desired chapter test using the dropdowns. In the Student Visibility column, use the toggles to lock/unlock visibility for either the whole class, or for individual students.

Scoring Chapter Tests

On the student's Score Details page, you can see their responses, edit the point score, and add any desired feedback.  After you've made your teacher edits, click Save Answers at the bottom.

Scores Key:

Green indicates that P2C has automatically scored this item as correct and awarded full credit.
Orange indicates that P2C has automatically scored this item as partially correct and awarded partial credit.
Red indicates that P2C has automatically scored this item as incorrect and awarded no credit.
Gray indicates that teacher action is required for accurate scoring. P2C may have automatically scored part of this item.

Remember the teacher always has the ability to edit any score for any item.

Auto-generated Items

Some items are auto-generated by P2C. This means that the items that students see will contain the same parameters, wording, and content but with different numbers. Scoring functionality will be the exact same for all students who took the test. 

Test Details by Curriculum and Chapter


Total Number of Items 

Total Points 

Pre-Algebra Chapter 1 



Pre-Algebra Chapter 2 



Pre-Algebra Chapter 3 



Algebra 1 Chapter 1 



Algebra 1 Chapter 2 



Algebra 1 Chapter 3 



Geometry Chapter 1 



Geometry Chapter 2 



Geometry Chapter 3 



Algebra 2a Chapter 1 



Algebra 2a Chapter 2 



Algebra 2a Chapter 3 



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